Bebop86, As for your query re AudioNote M7, I recently had the privilege of using the AudioNote M7Phono stage in my system for a couple weeks. Most of my listening was with the AudioNote SFZ transformer. There is no question but that the AN sounded very nice. In particular, it had a way with vocals that was unique in my (limited) experience: smooth, detailed, dynamic. I have never before found it so easy to follow individual instrument lines without conscious effort. But my final conclusion was that my two DIY tube phono stages with Jensen step-up transformers were more satisfying, at least in my system and for my tastes. While not as seductive in the mids, my home-made efforts are more satisfying in the bass and treble, and are more coherent across the spectrum.
To be fair, the AudioNote gear will probably shine more brightly in an all-AudioNote system.
I think anyone considering products that aim as high as the M7, or the IO-Signature, or the Lamm, etc. really must audition them first to make sure your listening priorities match the designer's priorities.
Best of luck.
To be fair, the AudioNote gear will probably shine more brightly in an all-AudioNote system.
I think anyone considering products that aim as high as the M7, or the IO-Signature, or the Lamm, etc. really must audition them first to make sure your listening priorities match the designer's priorities.
Best of luck.