best pre -amp under 4000$

Looking to for a really good 2 chanel pre amp to match my totem winds. Any suggestions?
Whats your amp for now?Room size?Music loudness/genre preference?Headbanger,Classical,Jazz or a combo of all types.Extremely,dangerously flawed according to Tvad which is my position also.Give us 25 push-ups and re-state the question.Make that 50.......cheers,Bob
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Tvad,You were straight not harsh.Harsh would be using ridiculous instead of flawed.Just the usual give and take on the Gon.Keep your stick on the ice.....and your car out the ditch.Already tired of Paul Bunyon and winter,but I digress,see you on the run T,cheers,Bob
Based on my experiences the TRL tubed preamp named the Dude will make any system sound its best. It sounds like live music.

$3500 and it easily bested every single preamp I have owned or heard in my home system by a wide margin. The other preamps sounded good, but none of them came close to the live sound of the Dude. Instrumnets sounded just like they do live.

This is why I can say with confidence it will make any system sound profoundly better. The amp/speaker compatibility is most important and all efforts should be made to get this right.

Please keep in mind I have owned a bunch of top notch preamps from Thor, CJ, Audio Note, Tom Evans, Tube Distinctions, Audio Horizons, BAT, Aloia, Placette,Supratek and others. None of them came close to the live performance I experience from the Dude. Uncanny and unique. So unique in this way.
