Best Preamp/amp combo?

Hi, simple question but difficult for me! What is the best combo to put between a Linn CD12 and SF Amatis. Mt listening room is 25' * 40' and I listen to a lot of female vocal and laid back group music, no hard rock and very little pop! i have a few ideas but would really like to hear the opinions of the experts here.I would also like to here from those giving alternatives in SS as well as tube gear. Thanks.
Here is a solid combo :

Modwright SWL9.0 SE Linestage

Levinson 23.5, 336 or 20.5, 33H monoblocks

Personally I'd look for a 23.5 or an older set of 20.5 monoblocks.
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You might really like McCormack DNA-500 amp with VAC Phi 2.0 preamp - great synergy.
I am using a Berning ZH-270 with a Modwright SWL 9.0SE Plus (Blackgate/Bybee) combo. This pair drives Merlin's and the music just flows.