best preamp ever - cost is no object

Hello there,

I am in the running for a new preamp, cost is no object.
Would appreciate to hear comments from you out there.
Thinking about Lyra Connoisseur 4.2 SE among others.
Poweramp is Tenor 150, speakers are Eidolon diamonds.
Thanks for your help and experience.
aspera is the web site.

TGB (norm) is making some bold claims here, and I'm about to find out what this line stage is capable of (hopefully in the next few days.)

I think Norm's enthusiasm and insistance on H-cat being tops is that it is utterly novel in the way it processes signals. From my limited understanding, it seems almost all analog preamps, tube or solid stage, do a very similar thing- and in fact attempt to have as little character as possible.

The H-cat, on the other hand is saying- hey- your input signal is completely flawled and I must utterly alter it to recreate the original waveform.

I recently told a recording engineer I was getting 2 new "voodoo" products - the H-cat and Acoustic Resonators, figuring he'd kind of chuckle at my "non-science" audiophile products. He retorted that losts of pro gear falls into the voodoo catagory.

I'll be comparing the the H-cat to no preamp at all - I have a GCPH phono stage I run balanced directly into MA1's and eventually can try the H-cat going into my modified integrated GCC amp- with also has no line stage, so I think I can really get a handle on what this unit is doing rather than just comparing it to another line stage.

Hopefully next week I"ll be able to either deify Norm to prophet status, or demand he resign his Audiogon account!!

(I'm kidding Norm)
Tube - one of these:

Tube Research Labs Platinum Golden Triode Reference Preamplifier
Jadis JP-800
Conrad Johnson Anniversary Reference Triode Series 3 Linestage
Audio Research Reference Three Vacum Tube Stereo Line Preamplifier
Vacum Tube Logic TL-7.5 Mk.II Reference Linestage Preamplifier
Aesthetix Callisto Signature Tubed Preamplifier w/Remote Control & 2 x Power Supplies
Balanced Audio Technologies REX Balanced Preamplifier
Zanden Audio Model 3000 Tubed Linestage Preamplifier
The Messanger Preamplifier w/External Power Supply
Kondo M1000 Mk.II
First Sound Audio Paramount Mk.II Special Edition Statement
Expressive Technologies Model 1 Preamplifier
Audion Premier Quattro 4-Chassis Model
Audio Tekne Model TEA-9501PCS Stereo Pre Amplifier
Loth-X Silbatone C-102
Essence The Japser Reference
Shindo Labs Petrus III Dual Mono Preamplifier
Electron Images Amati Preamplifier
LAMM Industries L2 Reference Preamplifier
Wavac Audio PR-T1 Line Preamplifier
Glass Master LC-1 Preamplifier

Solid State - one of these:

Scan Tech Lyra Connoisseur 5-0L SE
Boulder Amplifiers 2010 Isolated Balanced Preamplifier
FM Acoustics Resolution Series 268
Dynaudio Arbiter Monaural Preamplifiers
Goldmund Mimesis 22 Signature Analogue Preamplifier
Krell Evolution Two Monophonic Linestage Preamplifier
Burmester Reference Line Preamplifier 808 Mk.V
MBL 6010D Reference Line Preamplifier
Mark Levinson No.32 Reference Preamplifier
Halcro dm10
Spectral Audio DMC-30SL Reference Preamplifier
Jeff Rowland Design Group Coherence II
CTC Builders Blowtorch Preamplifier
dartZeel NHB-18NS Preamplifier
Bride Audio Laboratory BAlabo BC-1 Mk.II Control Amplifier
Cello Audio Suite w/Phono Modules
Pass Labs X0.2
McIntosh C1000C Configurable Tube/Solid State Conroller and Preamplifier
Edge Electronics NL Signature 1.1 Preamplifier
Linn Klimax Control Linestage Preamplifier
Best is a relative term dependent on your values and the remainder of your system. There is also is sometimes a synergy in using an amp and preamp from the same manufacturer. Cases in point: the Einstein preamp is quite good, especially with a bit of tube rolling, regardless of amp. Likewise their 60 watt OTL's are very good within their power limitations; however, the combination is clearly superior to either piece used with someone else's product. The same is true of the Audio Note M10 (which is clearly a candidate for best tube preamp as is the Einstein) and the Audio Note Kegon amps. The combination is magical within its power limits. In either case, the AudioNote/Einstein pairs will not sound good with the wrong loudspeaker or for that matter the wrong cabling. Rather than focusing on one piece of the system, it makes more sense to try to put together components that work well together. Many years ago I owned a Goldmund Reference TT with a T3F arm. At the time, it was perceived as the best that money could buy. All sorts of people wanted to speculate about other TT's that were "better than the Reference"; however, not a single one of them owned a Reference or had done actual real time comparisons of the Reference vs other contenders in the same system. Until you have done that, best is mere speculation. Albert Porter once told me that when he reviewed a new product that he literally spent months optimizing it in his system before making any judgments. About ten years ago, I had the opportunity to compare my Golmund to a Rockport in my home system. I bought the Rockport. Is it the "best" TT? Who knows? I can say that over the years, I have preferred it to other TT's that I have listened to in my home system; however, I have not heard many of the current top contenders in my own system.
Foghost, Bloulder 2010 is best?? I would not have it in my system. I agree about the Connoisser being quite good, however. This August I am hoping to have my H-Cat in the same room as a Connoisser for both to settle down and do a comparison. I think I know which will please me more.