carlos, again thanks for the invite. but first off, i am unavail this weekend, and 2ndly, i need to know exactly what you changed in the past 3yrs or so since last i visited. while i am happy you were / are so enamored of your rig, it was a sound i was none too fond of at the time, and i hate to waste another few hours of my time to listen to systems that suit me not.
further, do you realize that your statements are akin to state that you & you alone know the truth? that all collective wisdom is simply passing fancy and fraud? certainly it has been proven false in the past by geniuses such as galileo, einstein, et al---but these were denizens who dedicated their lives to advancing the sciences they work in every moment of the day.
in contrast, you are an audiophile, and a physics & engineering degree from texas A&M is not something by which makes you an exclusive authority on circuit layout, power supply design, parts voicing et al (i know experts in all these capacities, and none are experts in all 3---see principles on division of labor and accepting one's limitations as one can not know all there is to know. period.). now, had you a litany of audio products you manufactured (i.e. the better mousetrap, see vlad lamm) by which your opinions were formed and hence found acceptance in the market, then your opinion would be validated. until then, your opinion is just that.
and whether i like the sound in your system, or i didn't, wouldn't change that one bit.
we are all in pursuit of our own mona lisa. and you don't know how anyone else likes their ladies.