Best "Used" Audiophile speakers for 1000-1500

I just got my federal taxes done and I'm in the "red"; so, I can't spend $4000 for hi-end speaker this year or maybe ever. Need some input on buying a good "used" audiophile speaker for somewhere between $1000-1500.I realize this is a narrow range but I'm sure somebody out there needs the cash and may want to part with a good to mint pair of speakers which retailed for near $3000. Can't wait for better times to come around!! because, I am tired of listening to the cheap pair of mid-fi cans I found in my friend's basement after I sold my B&W's to finance my dream hi-end speakers. All advice appreciated.
My recommendation, based on MY tastes and room considerations would have been to buy a pair of Maggie MGIIIA's (600-700)and use the leftover money to help with the purchase of a pair of VTL 225's or even a Conrad Johnson Premier Four. Those are IMO magical combinations, in the right room. Again, for MY tastes, I have heard few systems that can create the majestic and full scale, dimensional sound that larger Maggies with the right TUBE amps can create; they must be tubes and you must have a fairly large room. I think it's remarkable that one can have that kind of sound for not much over 2000.00 in the used market.

But I think Sean has taken this thread in an interesting direction and I could not agree more; it would be productive to follow up. The issue of why Sunnyjim has not responded and given further information, necessary for intelligent feedback, is perhaps a little premature (it has been after all "only" 24 hours since he posted), but it raises the issue of forum etiquette and I think it would be interesting to discuss it in the context of the original thread subject.

I think a poster has a certain responsibility to follow through with requests for certain pertinent information or even simple acknowledgment of advise or opinions that many folks take time out to share in an attempt to be helpfull and good "club" members. There are many times that it would have been appropriate for the thread poster to simply acknowledge the responses to the original post, and nothing is heard again from that poster.

I think that etiquette has a practical side to it; as in the case of someone setting up a system or wondering if a certain cartridge works in a certain tonearm. If the person soliciting opinions follows up and posts the results of a recommended component or tweak, not only is it courteous to do so, it further helps everyone else who is part of this forum. So, Sunnyjim if you're out there, we want to hear from you.
To those respondents of my post, I am sorry I did not provide the basics asked by Sean. I did not want to really waste anyone's time with this, and to be honest am knowledgeable about many of the products you have suggested and so either like or dislike them. Nevertheless, I will provide some of information that Sean has requested. For the record, I e-mailed Sean with this info only because I did not think my plight should preoccupy these pages and every member of this website. But,I sincerely appreciate the frateral concern of those who want to base their recommendations on more data. So here it is: Equipment: Conrad Johnson PV-8 preamp; Aragon4004MKII amp; Sonographe SC-1 CD player; VPI 19JR turntable/Audioquest P-6 tonearm and a Sumiko Bluepoint cartridge. Cables AudioMagic SpellcasterII between pre and power amp; Synergistic research Alpha Sterling between preand CD. Room:15X18 with a 13 ft sloped cathredral ceiling.Far wall is a sliding glass door with approx 4 ft of wall on each side. To the left of sliding door is a straight run of wall of 15ft which opens into a dining area.Across from this wall is an angled fireplace whose wall continues and hooks to the right to frame the living from and opens into dining area. My former speakers were B&W Matrix 3/Series2; they were a 40 inch three way speaker---- one model down from the famous 802 and 801.Excellent midrange and dynamic, but imaging was restricted to area of the box and soundstage was shallow. I want to improve on the performance of this speaker especially in the area of imaging and soundtaging. I listen to fusion jazz, some big band music, 60's rock and lots of Grateful Dead. I have listened to, and will pass on Martin Logans, and Maggie 3.6 (I know this will sound like hersey to some readers.) I have heard previous models of Vandersteens and have not been impressed, but have not heard the 3A Signatures. I would also like to avoid the monitor speaker/subwoofer route, though I would seriously consider a monitor by itself that has tight and decent bass. I hope this is sufficient information.... Finally I want to again thank all for their time, concern, and friendship. Best regards, Sunnyjim
Are you counting out all dipoles? I happen to know an Apogee Duetta Signature will surpass any speaker in that price range in every way. Apogee Stage speakers are also great.

Sounds to me like your priorities include midrange at least as good as the B&W's, lively dynamics, and excellent soundstaging.

I just cruised over to the Full Range page, and saw for sale there a couple of pairs of Meadowlark Shearwater Hotrods, a pair of Tyler Acoustics Taylo reference monitors, a pair of Dunlavy SC111's, and a pair of Audio Physics Tempo's. I'd think owning any of these would be an enjoyable experience. I'd probably go with the Shearwaters.

You didn't ask me, but I'll volunteer it anyway: I think the Aragon amp is not up to the level of the rest of your system.

Now, if it was my money, I'd sell the Aragon for something tubular, and snap up a pair of original Quad ESL's. But then, I'd probably even settle for Maggie 3.6's in a pinch...

But it's your priorities that count, not mine. Best of luck to you on your quest, Sunnyjim!
