Best small intro to tubes?

I've got a nice solid state system in my listening room but am interested in an entry level system that uses tubes that I could put on my bedroom dresser. Would like to stay in the $1-2k range. Front end would be CD or FM tuner.

Any thoughts?
Try a new Almarro A205 ... 4.8 watts that will astound you. Not much to look at, but you'll get two EL84s and one ECC83 (SEP), and spend maybe $700 for new. You'll need some high-sensitivity speakers, though, 93dB or higher would be best
The little Dared products aren't a bad place to start .Small enough for a dresser.With a cool factor too them. Just need to stick with a high efficient speakers.
The Eastern Electric equipment is a few steps ahead in build quality and sound. This stuff is made to last for many years and sounds great!
I'll second the aa (Audio Aero Prima) suggestion. One tube in the preamp section and a mosfet amp. A nice little integrated. I paid $575 delivered for mine, no remote though. The newer ones, ie more expensive, do have a remote. Runs pretty cool too.
Check out the Sophia Baby,$900 or EL34,$1500 at Sophia Electric. They may offer a trial with a restocking fee. Mating amps and speakers is very important. See it as a whole. Good luck.