Best solid-state amp made anywhere

I'd like to open up this "best of" to include amps from New Zealand, Canada, France, England, Germany and (my personal favorite) Italy, as well as whoever else I've left out (no extraterrestrial amps, please). I have spent some time with the most amazing solid state amp - made by Aloia of Italy and uses an inductive (!) power supply. These amps have a naturalness and ease I haven't previously encountered in solid state, not even Pass or Claytons. Have you noticed that the Italians make superb audio equipment? In this country, audio engineering is to engineering as podiatry is to medicine. It just doesn't typically draw the cream of the crop. In Italy music matters far more, and audio equpiment is designed by people who will make an opera singer sing her part over if they aren't satisfied with her performance. Well enough sociology - what's your vote for best solid state amp?
There is so much out there that can be heard .But like I always said what sounds sweet to one person may sound terrible to the other. Let "your" ears be the judge ,If it sounds good to you then it's the best fot "you"....
The best I ever heard is the Tact Millenium digital amp. If you ever get the possibility to listen to it - please do your self a favor and don't go around it!
If you are into used components, I have always been impressed with the Motif preamps made by Conrad Johnson in the late 80s. New they were $2250 to $5000 depending on model. Used they are $500 to $1000 and a bargain, because they were made to last forever.
I'm a fan of the Rowland amps given my experience with the Model 8 I picked up a few months ago. Since system matching is usually a factor it needs stating that my experience is with the Rowland 8, Avalon speakers, Muse front end/preamp, and Discovery Essential/Essence interconnects/speaker cables providing excellent refinement, musicality, and the rest of what you'd expect in a great system.
Exposure DR4 or 16 Monos. They take control of your speakers and lets them do what they were designed to do. They have great musicality, resolution without the edge, and dynamic refinement to make the listener get involved.