Best sounding CD player for under $500?

No, I'm not joking! :-) I'm about to have to lay out a fair amount of money to have my SOTA Sapphire turntable refurbished by SOTA, and I also need to plunk down some money for a new pair of loudspeakers to replace the Vandersteen's that are now much too big for my new, downsized listening room, which also has the double for a guest bedroom.

So I am looking for a CD player, even a mass-market one, that sounds as good as possible for the price. I am setting an absolute, upper limit for this of $500, maximum, and if it comes in at well under $500, so much the better. Since I have, or will have, a very nice analog front end with "miles" of vinyl to listen to once the system comes together, I don't see the CD player choice as being life-and-death at this point. It's just that I have a growing collection of CDs to play, of necessity. So, I don't care what the brand name is... for that matter, it can be a mass-market player that I can pick up at a big-box electronics store. So here's a different kind of challenge for you experts: what's the best sounding, currently available "cheapie" CD player you've heard? :-)
I found that I can get the Music Hall CD 25.2 for $440. Do you folks think it's that far superior to the Oppo to justify the extra dollars?
I think that for $440 delivered, you should at least
try out the oppo. It dances around my old $1350 combo.
Sony SCD-C2000ES is a fantastic SACD/CD player. It retails for $400 and is worth every penny. It is similar to the SCD-CE595 recommended in a previous post. Although it is an ES model with a 5 year parts and labor warranty. It also has an aluminum face, gold plated outputs, headphone output with volume, two power transformers and upgraded caps that the 595 doesn't include. Both are excellent sounding players on SACD and redbook CD. Highly recommended.
Well, I went ahead and ordered the Music Hall CD 25.2 from Underwood. The reviews are fantastic, and as far as I can tell, the thing is built like a tank with a really good transport mechanism. I'll report back when I have it up and running in my system.

Many thanks to all of you for helping me out in this decision. I really appreciate it!

And while it's hardly "cheap," it seems like a good value.