Best sounding Krell ?

Let's say I had $4k for a power amp. and was looking at used Krell power amps. Which Krell would you consider the best sounding of all the different models in the last 10 years? Of course this is all subjective but based on midrange, bass and all the other attributes we audiophools crave.
The Plinius SA 50 is deep and controlled in the bass with good imaging also. The presentaion is not forward but inline with the speakers. The highs are nice ( not hard ) even though not the most extended. The midrange is warm and detailed. You are able to understand Drink Small :) The amp also has great instrumental timbre. Overall, this is a great power amp that has gone unnoticed because there bigger brother get all the attention.
I have to say that I am still realing at the difference my new MIT AC2 power cord has made in my is just miraculous!!!
Dave b,
Can you tell us exactly what is that the MIT AC2 does to the 400xi ? Does it tighten the bass, extend the frequencies extremes, adds speed, blacker background, cavernous soundstage? What exactly is the amp doing now that it didn't do before. I'm trying to get a better idea here. Thanks.
Audiogabby, I have been around the block with audio gear for about 30 years now. I have owned the likes of Krell evo, Levinson, ARC, BAT, CJ, Wadia, Wilson, Dynaudio, Macintosh, etc...well, you get the point (6 figure reference gear). My recent system was assembled from one of my local dealers with the intent to be a stop gap between mega systems..until I decided which direction to embark upon. Well, after tweaking and dialing everything in and the fact that I already had MIT Oracle cables, it sounded pretty darn involving. In fact, it sounded damn good...clean, pure, dynamic and very alive with lots of color. I had been using other great power cords with what I thought was superb results, but when I put the Oracle AC 2 in place I was in disbelief at what I was hearing! Noise floor is low that all of the subtle
information and acoustic ques that we hear in the hall were rendered vividly and so easily that it was startling. Dynamic gradations and contrasts are so realistic that the soundstage comes alive and breathes with a tonal rightness and such a lack of distortion that it will shock you!! Frequency extension of the music is so far out in both extremes and with such purity and control that nothing describes it better than to say it sounds live and unadulterated. Transparency is crystalline, effortlessly rendered and has a see thru quality that takes you out of the hall and into the street (never new so many recordings had road noise bleeding into their recordings). Dimensionality, ambience, decay, layering, instrument voicing and above all else EMOTION is in such bold relief that to not at have it in your system after having heard what it can do would cause panic and withdrawel symptoms on the level of a heroine addict in need of a fix!!! If music is as necessary to you as it is for me...a refuge from the everyday, a transporter to other realms, a bastion of things miraculous and meaningfull, then it will get you closer than ever to that end...your own personal Holy Grail.