isn't the Bel Canto 2.5 in that price range? if it's a bit more, I'd say it's worth it.
I'd not overlook what the BC line up offers prior to pulling my wallet out.
. excellent audio and versatility lay in the entire point 5 line up. Even if nothing else is later added on like one of their USB links, or some other brand USB link..
IÂve heard a number of DAC along the way, and BC is definitely worth looking into if the sound is what really matters.
I'd not overlook what the BC line up offers prior to pulling my wallet out.
. excellent audio and versatility lay in the entire point 5 line up. Even if nothing else is later added on like one of their USB links, or some other brand USB link..
IÂve heard a number of DAC along the way, and BC is definitely worth looking into if the sound is what really matters.