Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 
Miles of audio wire has passed through my system(s).  And house for that matter! A lot of it pretty pricey. The only IC/SC combo I have some sellers remorse around is the older silver/cotton version of Sablon Panatela. Duelund tinned copper DCA16ga bare wire - I use double runs to approximate 13ga. To my ear, it's articulate, smooth and extended. And crazy inexpensive compared to most...Most recently, I didn't hear any advantage with Auditorium 23 even though it's supposed be the schizzle with the Devore/Leben combo I'm enjoying.
Power cords have proven to be a different animal and the expensive Dynamic Design Titanium GS analog and associated Ariel GS digital have blown my mind. Big, quiet, dynamic, nuanced, insightful easy on the ears and as transparent as I've experienced. I still use my BMI Oceanic Statement, too, but thought it would never be rivaled. The BMI is more powerful in it's presentation and calls your attention to the tunes, while the subtleties of the DD are more comforting somehow.
A watery analogy would be a cool, but not bracing pool vs. a more body temp enveloping stream. Both are just this warm side of neutral, but their invitation into the tunes differs...
Nice post budburma, my findings after "miles of cable", LOL, through my system.  Back to Kimber 8TC for me.
Ghdprentice, you "(SCANNED) the article"? Ordinarily, I'd say try reading EVERYTHING and reading it THOROUGHLY and for comprehension before proffering an opinion. Then again, your mind is obviously too closed for that, made up and already knows everything on this subject.

"If you want to do a review... then you need to become familiar with the lay of the land of people that can tell, language and values as they apply to music." No respect for Brent Butterworth? Really?

"This is just more justification why the ignorant masses are really smart in their ignorance and values." WOW? Did you get this one from your uncles, Adolf and Benito? Do you have any idea what you sound like?

"The very first high end cable I listened to over 45 years ago...". Look up "Presbycusis". Chances are better than 33% you have it. On the other hand, maybe the master audiophile class is impervious to the normal frailties afflicting the "ignorant masses". Had an audiological evaluation recently?

This will be my last rebuttal to your egocentric prattle on this subject because it detracts from what the original poster (and others) were hoping to learn through this thread. So, go ahead! Get in the last shot! You know you want to. Then, you can go play with yourself and proselytize to "the ignorant masses" another day.

"In my opinion, that would be cables which negatively change or affect the sound the least. I’d start with the right geometry foremost. Conductor spacing is paramount to proper LCR. Then you want that geometry held in place without any relatable insulation ... No skin effect. Imagine a cable with the pos and neg conductors floating in space, perfectly equal distant apart. (impossible, but idea) The conductors should have the best silver, mixed with an alloy to allow the silver to shine, (like Mundorf, but without that sheen it has). One without any of the negative possible aspects of some silver. The cable should be damped for vibrations. And the connectors are less known than most popular boutique brands (WBT, Eichmann, etc) , but simply be better by design. Actually they are about the perfect design imo." These would be the perfect cables for me ..."

I pasted that from an email I saved 10 years ago. Written by a great friend. He actually made the cables described above, and figured out those challenges. And I get to use them in my system exclusively! But he is a friend, so it is a perk. I would personally steer clear of most of the big expensive brands. I sold my Valhalla cables when I changed to my friends cables and made enough to seriously upgrade my system. The main thing I was saying, is I like to steer clear of the expensive big cable brands, and that is my suggestion. But I hope you find sonic nirvana with the cables you end up with, and your future audio journey! Cheers