jafant, I recently acquired one of the Black Cat Silverstar power cords. I placed it on my big Rowland amp...it was an incredible transformation!
Literally like getting a new more resolving and powerful amp! I am usually not one for hyperbole, but the Black Cat pc was a stunner. I was able to hear so much deeper into the sound stage and to hear minor details that had been lost in the mix before. This aspect is rare IME. So, since Chris’s new Silverstar pc is such a tremendous piece, i thought the ic would be nice potential upgrade. Not that the current Coppertone are bad at all! But you know how we a’philes are! IF the Silverstar ic can beat the already superb Coppertone, that would really be something, i shall report back.
BTW, it doesn’t really surprise me that the Wireworld PC sounded best in that group. Question is whether it could hold up to the Black Cat pc’s...something i very seriously doubt.