Best speaker firing across short dimension of room

Hi 'goners.

I need help deciding what type of speaker (floorstanding, stand mount, physical dimensions, diver configuration) would work best "midfield," firing across the short dimension of my 13' x 30' room.

The best practical setup for me in this particular room is to arrange the speakers on either side of my fireplace, as a 9-10' equilateral triangle between speaker and listener. Speakers will have a clearance of up to 18" from back wall - but the more I pull them out into the room, the less distance between speaker and listening position.

The sonic characteristics I cherish most are great tone, imaging, soundstaging, plus charging the room with bass.

I've tried both small and large monitors, floorstanders, and subwoofer combinations over the years but my aural memory is short and would like to know if anyone has experienced particularly good results employing the same type of room setup.

FYI, I'd be driving the speakers with a Karan KAi180 Mk2 180 watt SS integrated amp, using Meridian CD as a source.

Any sage advice will be much appreciated.

My room is pretty similar to yours (approx 12' X 26.5') and I have the speakers on the long wall. I just traded my Dyn C1 Sig's which IMO worked best at 6-7' apart with almost no toe in. Great sound stage - imaging and very impressive bass for a 7" driver (I do use a Rel B3 sub for the lowest octave). Nice wide sweet spot for listening. Very musical sounding.

That being said I traded them in for Raidho D1's. Completely different. Much more detail with a great tonal balance (much blacker background). Per the Raidho setup they need to be 9' apart and aimed at your shoulders. The D1's don't go as low as the Dyn C1's (but I do have the sub). The sweet spot is very focused and narrow. Like one reviewer wrote "Outside the sweet spot they sound good, in the sweet spot all I can say is Good God". Best imaging and sound stage I've ever heard in the sweet spot.

I'm driving them with an Octave V110 with a Naim music server and Naim Dac which replaced my Meridian G08.