best speakers for vocals?

Hi, I was wondering what people's thoughts are on speakers that are best for vocal centric music? I am looking for speakers that are best at reproducing vocals, especially female in the most lifelike, 3-dimensional, airy, emotional manner. I am trying to recreate a lifelike, live show, front row sound. To this end, I prefer a speaker that can create a holographic soundstage with a palpable vocal sound with some weight.

I listen mainly to jazz, pop, adult contemporary, down tempo.

My budget is < $15,000.
If size is an issue, then the Merlin VSM-MXs already recommended are definitely ones I would recommend you look at as well (very nice all-around speaker at $10K/pr., IMO). I also liked the GMA speakers a lot (I heard the Callistos) and can recommend them as well, but I preferred the Merlins (which cost considerably more).

If size is not as much an issue as I think it is, then there are some others that I can easily recommend along with the previously mentioned speakers above...

The Tyler Acoustics Woodmeres at $12K/pr. would be a good choice... They are large, but do not take up a huge amount of floor space (more tall than deep) and sound very good all-around, particularly on female vocals.

Finally, my personal favorites are just outside your price range new (18.2K/pr.), but easily within it used... They are the McIntosh XRT-28s. Like the Woodmeres, they are tall and a tad wide, but not particularly deep floorstanders that play female vocals *very* well. Allison Krauss sounds phenominal on them, BTW.

Quad electrostats or Harbeths are the best I've heard for vocal reproduction.
Try Silverlines with a good 300B based SET amp...Viva, Art Audio,etc. Absolutely spooky real on female vocalists.
there are hundreds in your pricerange. the female voice is not the best way to audition speakers. some favor certain frequencies often sound great with female vocals ....put on something a little complicated and the tone and weight of instruments just isn't there.