best speakers for vocals?

Hi, I was wondering what people's thoughts are on speakers that are best for vocal centric music? I am looking for speakers that are best at reproducing vocals, especially female in the most lifelike, 3-dimensional, airy, emotional manner. I am trying to recreate a lifelike, live show, front row sound. To this end, I prefer a speaker that can create a holographic soundstage with a palpable vocal sound with some weight.

I listen mainly to jazz, pop, adult contemporary, down tempo.

My budget is < $15,000.
Plus they have a great WAF.
I know for sure if I could (had the money) their top of the line products would grace my house.
If high volume levels are not required, try the Merlins (mine are VSM SE) with a 300b set amp. I used the Cary monoblocks. This is the best vocal reproduction I've ever acheived and I've owned (or still own) a bunch of the speakers listed on this thread (including the Verity, Maggies (3.5) and Silverline Sonatina). While I'd still choose the Parsifal Encore overall, the Merlins are hard to beat for vocals, IMHO.

Another interesting way to go is to choose one speaker for overall performance and add a second, limited bandwith pair for vocals. Some of the single driver or minimalist crossover designs (e.g. deCapo MM) acheive excellent mid band performance at modest cost by trading away performance at the edges. On the theory that no single design does all things best, your budget would put ca. $2500 toward these and would still leave app. $12,500 for a pair of very dynamic full range speakers of your choosing.
I will add JM Labs Alto Be.Vocals actually sound better than on their bigger brothers.
Piega C-10 Limiteds with a Mcintosh 402 Amp will put you in "lolla land." A lot of good suggestions on this thread-have fun...brent
As a former owner of SF Extrema/Guarneri, B&W 802N, Merlin VSM, Dynaudio Confidence 5, Wilson Watt/Puppy (and many others), current owner of SF Amati & Cremona, my personal favorite for vocal is....

Dynaudio Consequence & Confidence 5.

Like electrostatis, secret lies in crossover, or lack of. Most 2 or 3 way speakers cross at vocal range and we all know what crossover can do to sound. Both speakers use midrange dome which covers vocal range without nasty crossover, the whole range is covered by one driver. Both speakers deliver real world bass unlike electrostatic. But penalty of either speaker is efficiency, <85db due to isobaric woofer design.