Best Speakers to Audition in the $5-10k range?

I am looking to audition some speakers that are not massive in size with a large sound stage and lots of air that are fairly detailed in the $5-10k range that will sound good off of an Ayre V-3 amp and Krell Showcase Pre/Pro. They will be used for 90% home theater. Any suggestions?
Duke, how do the GedLee's sound? I assume they are outstanding to be included in your lineup.
Used Vandersteen 5A's and 5A sigs. Klipsch horns, Innersound Eros MKIII (used), Magnepan 3.6R's, Paradigm S8 signature (awesome speaker, period), Gallo Ref3.

I like Maggies, you could prob find a used pair of 20.1's for 10k, and many people, myself included, feel that is the pinnacle of speakers at any price. Amplifying them correctly is going to run another 10K plus as well though.
Try to audition a pair of the new Vandersteen Quatro's. They offer exceptional performance for the price, and they are also reasonably compact in size.
PMC OB-1 seems to fit your needs, you may find you need more power but that is only a small chance.

The Paradigms mentioned above would be the only speakers anywhere near the PMC's infitting your needs, the Vandy Quattro's are just too ugly (a highly subjective thing of course).

All due respect to the other's mentioned, most are not "small" foot prints and Dipoles make the worst theater speakers....5+5.1 anyone?

Gallo reference III (?) terrible midrange dynamics for theater and the Merin is a pretty small in your price range to measure up to other options that are available.

PS: Sleeper pick DALI Helicon 800 and Dynaudio Contour towers should also make your list.

Make sure whichever speaker you choose a proper matching center is available if you cannot use a third tower for the front.

Happy Shopping.