Best Subwoofer for 1500- 2500????

I'm looking for a subwoofer to compliment my Paradigm Studio 40's. I like bass, and i want the house to thunder when i watch DVD's AND listen to music. Any thoughts on the best sub around the $1500-$2500 price range? I want quality, not the college days Cerwin Vega 15's!! Thanks!
I would stay with the same brand, namely the Paradigm Servo-15. One of the larger Velodyne servos would also be a good choice. I would stay away from the so called "high end" brands...less bang for the buck. Also, look into refurbished models of the above from reputable dealers.
I recommend Paradigm Servo-15

Paradigm Servo-15 is really good for Movies... For Music, it's good but can be hard to fine tune...
Hi, Weedo:

If you go to the bottom of the forum discussion topics, you will see a link titled "more chat". Click on that link, and it will take you to a directory page. On that page, you will find a "search for topic" box (on the right side of the page, about half-way down). Simply type in the topic you are looking for, and hit the search button. If you search for the subject "Widescreen Review", you will find not only the article I posted, but also some other reviews of subwoofers.