best subwoofer for stirling LS3/5A

need some help recommending best subwoofer for my Stirling LS3/5A V2 , also how should i best connect them. budget is now open to 2000USD

I believe that the sub/stand I was thinking of in my earlier post is the Rogers AB1. It uses the same b110 driver as the ls3/5a in a tall, ported cabinet.

Hopw that helps.

((The best subwoofer for any LS3/5A is none.))
strongly disagree

((The tuned-in bass hump is one complicating factor. agree The other is the B110's (or equivalent in newer form) transient speed.)) ((Not even an REL sounds fast enough to keep up.))
A Vandersteen is faster as it High Passes, cleans up the hump, unloads the main amp...the Rels do not Hi pass...
(( Subwoofers are mostly poor dynamic mismatches to small speakers anyway. They are particularly compromising of everything about the LS3/5a that attracted you in the first place.)) You really need to try a pair set up properly high passed before offering advice.
Cheers Johnnyr
>>A Vandersteen is faster as it High Passes, cleans up the hump, unloads the main amp...the Rels do not Hi pass...<<

Not fast enough for me. I still hear the dynamic disparity. Yeah, a Vandersteen is a pretty good sub for all the other slow speakers out there, but not for this one. I didn't mention Vandersteen because I don't believe the V sub is up to the challenge.

>>You really need to try a pair set up properly high passed before offering advice.<<

Been there, done that. Not impressed with the result. The Zu sub is as quick as a sub gets, and still I'd run LS3/5a without, double them instead. Far more natural and integrated.


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If I had a set of LS35/as, I'd set them up with the Swarm system from Audiokinesis. It might take a bit of adjustment due to the bass hump, but that would otherwise work really well in a small room, even if listening nearfield. Might be a bit out of the price range though, but one of my employees had a set of LS35as and they worked great on our amps- enough so that going for a really nice sub system like the Swarms is justified by the speaker itself.