'best' surge protection?

any thoughts on comparisions between SurgeX, ZeroSurge, or BrickWall? Need to look at 'outlet protection!
We had 'wholehouse' surge protection installed by an electrican when we upgraded from 100A to 200A service. Yet, during a recent storm we lost 2 telephones, a cable modem, a wireless router, a computer, and a home theater in the box unit! We definitely have issues with the power company who won't come out and replace the lines feeding our house (visibly frayed insulation-I've seen the wires sparking as they tangle in the wind!).During the mentioned storm, we lost one leg of the 120VAC. Everything on those circuits were fine (basement circuits with plenty of electronic gear); and yet, the leg we didn't lose had the problems!
very interesting Rockadanny...do you mean to say that he products shown on their website are really ZeroSurge with a BrickWall faceplate? Any thoughts on the SurgeX?
Jlamb - Yes, BrickWall is a ZeroSurge reseller. Call ZeroSurge on the phone and speak with them - very helpful folks. Sorry, don't know about SurgeX.
ZeroSurge, Brick Wall, Torus Power and SurgeX all use the same patented series surge mode suppression system. The engineering basis is very solid for this approach. I'd suggest looking for the configuration and price that best meets your needs among the four of them. Torus Power adds a toroidal isolation transformer which costs more but provides an additional degree of noise supression.