Best SUT For Van Den Hul Crimson Stradivarius cartridge

Please suggest a SUT For Van Den Hul Crimson Stradivarius cartridge.
I currently own a Ypsilon MC26L Ypsilon VPS 100 Phonostage.

However the highs are high. Since the cart is putting out 0.95 mV, it may be overdriving the phono stage as MC26L has 26 amplification ratio.

Even the lowest amplification ratio Ypsilon MC10 is recommended for carts 0.4-0.6 mV. 

I am not sure if there are SUTs with 5 amplification ratio.
@kanchi647   :Ok, then do it your self a favor and try it. Through a test you will know for sure before you pull the trigger for a SUT.: 

I used XLR cables from Ypsilon VPS100 to Cary SLP05 and from Cary to CAD 211FE. The sound was very low. 
I wonder whether the "balanced" outputs or inputs on the Cary gear are just XLR inputs that feed single-ended circuitry.  (I don't know this for a fact, but Cary is not known for balanced circuits.  On the other hand, I am no expert on the current marketplace.)  Nor did I think the Ypsilon had a balanced circuit, other than possibly XLRs for use of balanced cables.  The VPS100 uses an LCR type RIAA circuit.  It is very difficult to implement LCR in true balanced mode; it would require very closely matched parts to work well. Also, a check on the Ypsi website says nothing about balanced circuits in the VPS100.
Kanchi my friend-you are drowning in high-priced shots in the dark that don't mate well. Imagine trying to decorate your own living room with a mix of post-modern, Danish, Queen Ann, and Victorian furniture, all bought blind because you thought you were getting nicely built stuff at a good price. Your domicile in Appallachia does not help (that is a joke-I love Louisville to your south). I gave you some names to call. You need ONE person who knows his stuff to guide you through the morass and integrate your system to something that is coherent and compatible. Personally, I would ditch the Cary gear, stay away from SUT's, and buy better cabling. Then get Brian Walsh over to make sure TT set-up is optimum.