If you like classical, listen to Vienna Acoustics with Primare amplification and CDP. In your price range that's hard to beat. Get a SS integrated amp. For $3500, the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grands are incredibly hard to beat.
When you listen to the electrostatics and the Harbeth, be sure to listen for the low bass and dynamics. Classical music without those two elements would be frustrating to me.
People that tell you any one solution is "the best" or "unbeatable" haven't listened with your ears. Take some leads from here, but ultimately decide for yourself by listening.
What are some favorite recordings? That may help to fine tune the recomendations.
When you listen to the electrostatics and the Harbeth, be sure to listen for the low bass and dynamics. Classical music without those two elements would be frustrating to me.
People that tell you any one solution is "the best" or "unbeatable" haven't listened with your ears. Take some leads from here, but ultimately decide for yourself by listening.
What are some favorite recordings? That may help to fine tune the recomendations.