Best transport for Zanden 5000 dac

What transport/s can you reccomend as top class matches for this fine dac? I gravitate to detail, smoothness(paricularly on vocals), nuetrality and dynamics. Currently I'm using Esoteric P700 which I like but feel there are better out there. An alternative to Esoteric is sought-- any thoughts on Audiomeca, Spectral, Wadia, CEC TL0? Personal experiences preferred to opinions but all comment is very welcome.
You might try a 47Labs Flatfish. It is a top loader and designed to run with a filterless, non oversampling dac.
the Zanden transport is the only one linkable via the proprietary clocklink type connection developed specifically for the 2 pieces therefore has a significant sonic advantage over any other transport
If you can afford the $25k (approx) Zanden transport, that would have to be a very strong contender for the best match. I heard this combination at CES 2004 and it's sweet system.
