Best TT under $1k

I’m looking to get into vinyl but don’t really no where to begin. I’ve been doing ample research on what TT to buy but am seeking the opinions of the A-gon community. I’m looking to spend under a grand, $750 if I can get away with it. (new or used)

Some units that I’ve looked at online:

Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC Esprit SB Turntable – $599
Rega Planar 2 Turntable – $675
VPI Cliffwood Turntable – $900
Rega Planar 3 Turntable – $945
Technics SL-1200MK2

Criteria in order of importance:

- Sound quality
- Must include cart
- Excellent build quality
- Upgrade-able. Usable now but can upgrade down the road.
- Easy to setup/ use/ maintain



You can do quite well in the used market for your price range. As already recommended, a vintage VPI (HW-19 or even an HW-19 Jr.) will serve you well. There are many other options that will serve you as well as (or better than) the options you've listed.
Post removed 
After owning a few different tables, I bought a very clean, used sl1200 mk2 from a buddy for $250. 

None of my previous tables were very high end, but some were decent. Rega P2, other somewhat vintage tables. I always seemed to work hard and worried that alignment was off, and was forever fooling with protractors.

After getting the 1200, I bought an overhang gauge, installed a $100 AT cartridge, and have been playing lps (without stress) for years. It’s nice that I can also adjust VTA on the fly. 

The 1200 was the perfect match for me. Different strokes, of course.

Kind regards-

With all due respect, I question your poor opinion of Rega turntables. No matter what website, you never lose an opportunity to dump on Regas. Clearly you’ve had a bad experience with Regas but how many Regas have you actually owned? Your derogatory posts would lead one to indicate you’re an expert on the subject, that you’ve owned or heard every table they make. I’d love to know what Regas you’ve owned and what you felt was wrong with them, perhaps a P1, P3, P6, RP8, RP10? None of the above?

I have owned two Regas, the RP 25 and the RP6. I thought both were excellent tables, easy to set up and dependable with excellent sound. In fact, I sold a $10,000  Raven One table because I found the sound no better than my RP6.
Regas would not be one of the best selling and well reviewed tables if users were consistently dissatisfied. Would love to hear your experience ( and that of your entire family and friends ) about the many Regas you’ve owned.

+1 for The Rega RP-6. Killer table at the used prices. Usually around 1k.