Best Tube Amp under 10K?

Having every audio dealer in town recommend their line as "the best unless you want to spend $25K" and buy a ..." is frustrating. Well, like most of us, I can't spend $25K on amps ... but I am curious to know what others consider their "final" amp upgrade under $10K. My listening tastes are wide ranging but will mostly include SACD jazz and classical. I do not have a turntable ... yet. And I ususally play at low to moderate volumes only (the wife factor)-- speakers are reasonably efficient 91DB KEF Ref 4's that I hope to upgrade.
for under ten grand you have a lot to choose from, like
ARONOV 9100 monos ($6k) and pre amp(2k +) (excellent sound, powerful enough to drive most speakers. UNISON 845 SE triode
beautiful cherry wood finish (6k) and MYSTERY ONE pre amp about 3K. if you have not heard either of these, don't buy until you do
Thanks you all for the lively discussion! Seems to be a lot of BAT fans out there. In the end, I went with the Aranovs fed by a First Sound passive preamp (Arnovs $2600, First Sound $1075, both on Audiogon - thank you Stewart of SOS.)I now eagerly await my Sony SACD SCD-1 but must also admit I do glance at the turntable ads once and while. --Lorne
I love my Legend Audio triode amps. (monoblocks). The only description that comes to mind with these are seductive and sultry.
I have owned the deHavilland GM70 50 watt S.E.T. monos for a couple of months now. I can't imagine ever needing to upgrade them. The music washes over me. Basses are tight and mids and highs are to die for. They are built 100% in the U.S.A. Tubes are easily replaced. They fill my room up(about 3600 cu. ft.) with Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 speakers,with about a 90db efficiency. These folks will let you audition for 30 days in home (100% payment up front). I don't think anyone has returned them yet. Amp quest is over after hearing these.
Good luck. Tom