Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?

any suggestions ?
I tried the Mercury 2 (and sent it right back), and if you are referring to me having tin ears, well - you know what you can do with your shill sales post....
The deHavilland Mercury has given me 7 months of musical pleasure adding more realism and even less listening fatigue to an already excellent system. It is extremely natural sounding. I had the Pass 2.5 before the Mercury. I would rate the Pass 9/10 and Mercury 9.5/10. I think it is a very good value for the money. I have found out many times you have to listen for yourself. Artg was disappointed, but after 40 years of being an audiophile I recommend giving the Mercury a try.
Let me get this straight. If somebody buys a deHavilland from you they are a good customer. Conversely, if a deHavilland does not suit their liking or system they have a "tin ear". Take me off of your prospect list and keep the bacon frying.
Wc65mustang, just be sure to wear a shirt if you're frying bacon :) That reminds me, time to put the brats on the grill.
time to put the brats on the grill.

Isn't that illegal? I usually just take the car away for a couple days.