Best tuner under 1K old or new?

I am looking for a super tuner under 1K, better near ½K!
Could anybody tell me what I have to look after?
Old or new one, one told me some time ago, that the old one without digital is the best????????
The rest of my system is tube (Cary audio Signiture Edition)so maybe there is a super B tube tuner?
Allan Denmark
I have an exceedingly rare Sansui TU-X1, about the size of an ARC D300 amplifier. I own many tuners, including a Magnum Dynalab MD 108 ($5000), Marantz 10B and Mac MR78, each of which has been some reviewers candidate for best ever. The TU-X1 is an am/fm unit with both variable and fixed outs. It is in the next league down from the more famous supertuners, so cheaper. Last time I thought of selling, I was offered $400, which is low but exceptable. It is slightly lean mid-bass, but as detailed as the big guys. The condition is good to excellent because it may have a few scratches. You would be very happy with it, I am sure. Joe