Best used dac under $2000

I am new to the world of dac's. so forgive me if I sound foolish.
It would need to have an optical digital out to pass the digital signal through to a room correction unit associated with the speakers. If sound is of question, I favor a less analytical sound and more liquid and detailed.

Thank you in advance

I have spent a lot of time researching this subject. You are in for a treat because the DAC is one of the most important parts of a modern system. The processing of the data and conversion into an analog signal is certainly the weak link in digital music. There are various products that do this well. Some use tubes and some solid state. I recomend you research Birdland, Bel Canto, Musical Fidelity, Chord and the one I bought Reimyo DAP-777. This is a personal choice and will require lot's of listening of many different pieces of music to make up your mind what you like best. I think this is one of the best places to go used or demo on since the DAC prices drop fast once new technology comes along.

PS Rhyno - leave the politics out of the discussion. We all get along better on this site without it.
We have sold the Kora and the Audiomeca. Traded many Theta's and listened to most of the others mentioned here. We recommend the North Star DAC192, as a concideration. It is a true upsampler and when combined with it's transport it upsamples at the transport and uses a four wire system reducing unwanted noise. It retails new for 2500.00 and gives you the option of upgrading in the future with the trans as a fun approach to hi-end. Reviews in the U.S. press are forthcoming stay tuned.
It may be about $2000 used but I have just setup my new Reimyo DAP-777 and could not be happier. Great open sound, the digital sound is no longer there but all the detail has remained. My highest recomendation to this piece of equipment.
I would also recommend PS Audios {ultra} dac and also there generation II superlink dac. they can be had for around 200.00 or even cheaper and will give you excellent cd performance on the cheap.