best used speaker for around 2500?

tastes are jazz, pop, classical. I listen to digital (CD and SACD) as well as analog. The speakers will be mated to a Copland CTA301 tubed preamp and a Copland CTA505 tubed power amp- 67 wpc in pentode and 35 wpc in triode. required ASAP
Ag insider logo xs@2xmitcho
I would also recommend the ProAc 2.5's, However, the bass can be overwhelming in rooms your size unless you have the capability to listen in the nearfield and have some absorbative furniture/acoustic treatments. Otherwise, save some money and get the ProAc 1sc's with a Sunfire sub. That's my traveling recording / monitoring system. Spectacular midrange and treble clearity and usable bass to about 40Hz. Add the sub, and you have a fantastic (and versatile) full range system for about $2300 (used).
I would pick up a pair of Von Schweikert VR4 used. They will work wonderfully in your set up!

The Dynaudio 1.3SE is the best speaker I have heard under 5k. Used here for 2k defines a "steal" to me.
I would suggest that you give listen too the Silverline audio Sonatinas II's
Very efficent (93db) sensitivity, very tube friendly, with
exceptional mids. And definately no need for any sub with
these. I won't even go into the quality finish (simply out
of this world) for between $2000-$2500 used.
Beemer, obviously you paid to much for your 10t's *LOL* so dont critizise the other guy to make up for your own purchasing problem.
I've seen them as low as 2000$ on Audiogon and I've seen plenty listed between 2300$-2500$ obviously there are some people out there that will still list them between 3200-4300$ but dont kid yourself, people that buy them at those prices are just suckers.