Best used speaker under $1000 for tube low watter

what speakers would you pick for a tube 15 watt amp. for a small room (14x14), and primarily for classical/chamber, and a little jazz. i would rather take the used route, even vintage, it's always nice to be able to resell without losing much. i can't stand that big loss when buying new. also, the room is oddly shaped with sloped ceilings, the only spot for the speakers is about 2 feet from the wall, i prefer speakers that are easy for placement. any suggestions?
thanks for the response gmood1. the hornshoppe horns are too sensitive to room placement for me. i was looking at the omegas, what do you think would be superior, the grande 8, or grande 6r? also, anyone know about the decware 1.5 radials? they seem quite interesting and have been getting some rave reviews.

but again.. anything vintage or used? how about klipsh heresy or cornwalls (may be too big for a small room)?
The square shape of the room may be your biggest hurdle (not ideal for a listening room). Otherwise he 90db efficient Soliloquy 5.3's sound wonderful with my Wright Mono 10's as well as other lower powered tube amps I've tried them with. Posting the rest of your system, especially the amp you are using, may help others make suggestions tailored to the synergy with your specific components. There are going to be many options/suggestions for you, and each may give your system a slightly different voice (or a very different one). Your preference may not be the same as mine, or someone elses as to which is "better". The used route is great for just that reason, you can listen and resell if you don't like it. The only drawback with speakers is that they are often quite heavy and difficult to pack and ship. If you can listen before you buy, even used, it may be save some hassle. The more information you give here to get the advice you are seeking, the better. You can ferret out other users with similar musical preferences and system components and hopefully get more focused advice.

Omega Super 3's are what I bought for my small room. Great with low watt tube amps. They're $550 new, bookshelf sized, so you'll need to buy stands.
I recommend Audio Note speakers as they are designed to be placed in the corners and are usually 94 db efficent. I have the model E and really love them with my 18 wpc Audio Note amp.
I'm just reading your other post after posting earlier. I'm a big fan of vintage Klipsch. I've owned the Heresy's and they are great little speakers, but definitely not as refined sounding as the larger Klipsch such as the LaScala and Khorn. They do utilize the same drivers, but with a much smaller midrange horn body. The Cornwalls, on the other hand, may be a good choice as they use the same size horn body and driver as my LaScalas. They are one of the very few older Klipsch designs that I have not heard so I can't really comment specifically. Like all the older Klipsch stuff, I think they'd likely stand for some improvement via reinforcement of the cabinet, swapping out the zip-cord wiring harness, better crossover components, and a better tweeter. Still, with all those 'faults' my older Heresy's sounded pretty darn good stock and were quite lovely with the various tube amps I paired them with and a great deal at the price you pay for a pair. 15 watts may be at the lower end of where I'd personally take them though I'm sure they'd perform for you, especially in that small a room. Still, as much as I do like the vintage Klipsch + Tube sound, I think if Heresys were one of my options, and I had a grand to play with, I'd look elsewhere for a more refined sound. I did compare the Heresy's to my Soliloquy's and there was really no contest on any level - the 5.3's were superior in every way (this was using both the 25 watt Quicksilver Mini-monos, as well as the 11 Watt Wright Mono 10's). If the contest was with the LaScala's on the other hand, I'd take the Scala's every time. So the Cornwalls could be in the running, but again, I'd go try to listen to a pair, especially given their large size and heavy weight.
