Best Used Speaker Under $4,000 w/ Respectable Lows

I was once a member of the audiophile community (Some of the older Audiogon members may remember me) but had to step out for a bit do to life changes. I am thinking about stepping back into it in a limited fashion with the system configuration listed below. I would love opinions on what used, $4000 or less, speaker would best suit the following system. Note that I would prefer NOT to bi-wire and would love something with a respectable low end (A full range speaker would be nice). I tend to treasure transparency, neutrality, high end extension, speed, DYNAMICS, and tight driver control / integration in my speakers and leave bloom/coloring/musicality to the amp. I also prefer speakers that play very well at low volumes with medium power amps. Thanks for the help!

Transport: PC with Windows 7 / WAV Files / Foobar / Lynx AES16 PCI digital I/O card

Dac & Preamp: Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC

Interconnects & Speaker Cable: Nordost SPM

Amp: Sim Audio Moon W 5.3
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I would try to find a pair of Focal 1027be speakers on the used market. They are excellent speakers. It's fair to call them reference level and lately I have seen one or two sets selling for a song. Furthermore, they are not biwireable, and are full range, as you said were your preferences. Good Luck!
An Audio Note E silver speaker would fill most of the criteria listed. I feel mine are very open and pure. I have not heard them with SS however, usually they are run with tubes.