Best value in 5 chan. power amp under $3,000

What is the best value in a new or used 5 channel power amp under $3,000? It will be hooked up to an Integra DHC 9.9 and play though Paradim Studio 40s with a CC-690 or Paradigm Sig S4s witha C-5 center. 80%HT/20% music


Don't know if it's the absolute best for under 3 large but the Theta Dreadnaught, used, is right up there.

The EAD Powermaster amps are also very good.
Try the Krell KAV-500 5-channel version. Totally effortless amp with excellent bottom end control and clean sweet highs/vocals.
Theta Intrepid 5 Ch 100 watts. These are great amps and they sell for less than half of your $3,000 budget.
Consider a Parasound 2205. 5 x 220 watts will offer great performance at a decent used price point- check on line reviews. Take the $1500 you did not spend and buy more gear.
For Surround its the processor that makes it and I Parasound the Halo line both amp and processor