Best value record cleaner/cleaning system

Thought I would ask the group -- when I was last in the analog game some 12-15 years ago it was a VPI or Nitty Gritty for record cleaning (that and the wood-handled Discwasher pad with red-bottle liquid, Zerostat and Decca CF brush for just before playing an LP)... are these still the go-to standard units, or has the state of the art / ’value’ options advanced to some other kits in the present? I see cleaner units now from Pro-ject, Music Hall, Spin Clean, etc etc.

In my case I am not trying to ’deep clean’ mistreated, flea market or recycled recors store records... just good hygiene maintenance-cleaning of a treasured collection - 80% regular records, 20% ’audiophile’ pressings.

Thanks in advance.
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I have found steam cleaners on Amazon and videos on You Tube.
My current regime takes (20) minutes per record. Is labor intensive already. The extra step of steam cleaning will add more time and looks messy. I will continue to look into it and imagine ways to accomplish the steam cleaning regime in the most efficient way.
Stll no leads on cost and obtaining an AFI Flat in the USA.. 
I agree with Rhoneman.
I have a VPI 16.5, but I think that cleaning up to 12 records with the Pro or even up to 24 records at a time with the max is probably the only way I am ever goin to get all the records I have cleaned and keep up with the new purchases. Load 12 records at a time, push a button and walk away, while your records are cleaned ultrasonically; all for around $700.00.
Reviewed by Michael Fremer

i bought a used Nitty Gritty here on the Gon. A model 1.0 very happy with it !!!!
The seller The Music Room in Colorado was fantastic to deal with !!!!!
I got all the needed brushes, fluids, etc direct from the factory. Makes a massive difference in noise and sound quality..IMO

rec'd my okii nokki - really nice machine

my records never sounded better 

Regarding the method I mentioned earlier along with my complete regimen,
cleaning just one lp at a time does take a while. If you start cleaning another lp while your 1st one is in the US cleaner, this reduces time considerably, more of an assembly line approach.