Best versatile speakers?

Hello All...

I would like to hear your opinions regarding the best versatile 2 way monitor or 3 way small floor standers that will do justice to all types of music. My wife and I listen to all sonic types of music from Ute Lemperer / Mozart to 70's and 80's rock to 90's hardcore and some Hip Hop.

For this reason I have always stuck with the Paradigm Studios. They seem to handle everything well.

We are running a Space-Tech Tube Pre and a Nad 270 power amp
Sources are a Toshiba 3950 - DVD-A / Sony Sce-775 for SACD and using a Benchmark DAC-1 for redbook. We also have a MMF-5 Music Hall for vinyl. The room is small 13.5 long x 8.5 width and 9ft high.

Suggestions beyond the Paradigm Studios? The Signature line is too easy a leap. For the money we want to check out other options.
Thanks for all the responses.

Well we have made a decision. A strange turn indeed.
While I was in my local music store to get guitar strings, I happened to walk in on someone auditioning a pair of Dynaudio BM6A's. These are powered pro monitors. Incredible sound for the money ( $ 2400 cdn ) They are 2 ways actives. Mine are on order. Hopefully this will keep upgraditis away for a few years.

I will do a mini review after a few months.
In your room size,those gems should keep you going for years.Active monitors can be great.My KRK's were,my Yamaha NS10M's were too until I heard the KRK's...good luck,Bob
Cool. I wonder why there are not more active speakers out there? Paradigm made some great ones a few years back and no one wanted them until they stopped making them. Could you follow up when you get them? Enjoy.
price wise for a 2 way for sure the new green mountain callisto, for a small 3 way the green mountain calypso.
and for a statement loudspeaker, the green mountain
No joke please see the excellent review at 6moons online
magazine, on the Continuum -3 ,and next week the Callisto.
then go have a listen.
I have compared the green mountain callisto to several stand and floorstand models ,for overall musicality
it beat every big brand , check them out there.
and as a added bonus they make your recordings sound better
also . Why is that a true 1st order crossover that is
Time and Phase coherent, which very few are and 1st order are the only speakers truthfully that can be totally phase coherent .the drivers reach you at the same time ,
therefore , many of the so called bright cds are much more manageable.check out green mountain audio next week ,
they have a whiole new line and web coming out ,also review in 6moons online on the Callisto next wed.