best wife friendly monitor?

Choosing between Thiel PCS, B & W 805's, or Tyler Acoustics Taylo reference for our living room full of antiques. Driven by Rotel 1070/1080 combo with Rega Planet 2000. Eclectic listening habits with a 2000+ cd collection.I have been known to crank it up when the little lady is out. Want to enjoy my hobby while maintaining marital bliss!
Ellery911, My Wife likes those ex B&W Blueroom Minipods. If the come out with them in Orange, she wants a pair as she said they would like Kenny from South Park.
The best wife friendly monitor is one where your wife is involved in the buying decision.

My wife enjoys music, but by no means is an audiophile. Once I have narrowed it down to two models (both that I would enjoy), I brought her into the "picture." I had her listen and would help to gently "steer" her, based upon my biases. If you are buying new and have a choice of wood tones, let her call the shots on it.

While she may only be involved in under 5% of the buying decision, she will think that she had significant impact on the process. If she feels part of the "process," she will cut you a TON of slack. Perception is reality. :-)