Beveridge owners.what preamp do you use

I have owned the vintage Beveridge 2sw system for a couple of months and love the way it presents music. I have been using a passive Sonic Euphoria and the purity of music is wonderful. What the passive does not give me is PRAT on this system. I tried an active tube preamp and gained the PRAT but lost the incredible purity of the passive. It ended up sounding more like Hi fi and less like music. I am back to the passive wondering what other owners of this magnificent speaker use for preamps. I have also been told by two Beveridge owners that the Beveridge preamp is not the way to go. Any feedback would be appreciated because I am a greedy audiophile who wants it all. Bob

I used a BAT VK-51SE and now, BAT REX with my Bev Model III's. They're driven by BAT VK-150SE monoblocks. I'm wondering how the REX would sound with the Bev 2SW-X...
Only for your knowledge... since I do have a Beveridge model 3 and not the 2sw2 system.
I drive them with a Counterpoint SA-11 but now I'm going to the new Aria WV11XL. Power amp are EAR 509 monos.
best reg.s
I am thinking that the 2sw and the 2 would be a bit different with the ultra high voltage OTL as part of the speaker. This might dictate a bit different choice. I was also wondering if anyone has compared the difference between the model 2 and the model 2sw. I have people of vast experience telling me that other than bass extension and SPL's that the Model 2 was the best Beveridge. Other people tell me that the 2sw was the way to go. Anybody fortunate enough to make this comparison? Bob