Beware of NAD M3 Fire Hazard

My $3k NAD M3 started shooting sparks out the top and burned the shelf that was 8" above. Luckily I was home and not sleeping or the house would have burned down. If anyone has one of these I advise them to unplug it when not in use. I took it to two different repair shops and they said it would be about $800 to just get it running and there may be board issues. They advised not to take the gamble. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do with it?
pwb -- To me it seems obvious they are shining you on. You now have my permission to be like your blown cap and flame the hell out of the company.
The previous versions of my NAD C272 also had exploding caps (currently not in use but has worked well).  Turned out to be cheaply sourced capacitors.  Possibly they did not learn from that mistake.  
Yeah, but that pic man, it shows sprayed cap juice everywhere.
Yeah, its a mess. I've cleaned that sort of nastiness up before. If this were my unit I would be fixing it; replacement is going to be a lot more and unrepaired its worthless. But I understand being gun-shy too.
Well I tried. Here’s nad’s response:

Unfortunately, as this amp appears to have been bought second hand through a non-authorised reseller, we cannot verify its past history or conclude what alterations or repairs may have been made to the amp before you received it -- all NAD product sold from authorized retailers are given a full Quality Check before resale which is necessary, whereas when bought elsewhere we cannot guarantee this. We have not heard any other reports of this sort of event happening with the M3.

I'm apologise that I am unable to help further, but please let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,
Sam R.,
Support Crew Analyst
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