I have a pair of custom speakers that are very similar in design to the Legacy Focus using Eton drivers on top and Peerless 1259 12" woofers. The Peerless are a bit less efficient so bi-amping is pretty much a necessity. I've used the internal crossovers without issue. Since the bass drivers are less efficient, I've always used separate volume controls for the satellite section (tweeters, mids, midbass drivers) and the woofers.
My sources have all had built-in volume control so that has been the main volume control while the bass section has either been an integrated amp with its own volume control or a separate preamp to drive the woofer amp. Currently my DAC is an Audio Alchemy DPA 1. I run the balanced outputs to a Red Dragon S-500 driving the satellite section while the RCA outputs drive a Kingrex PREference preamp into a D-Sonic M3a-800S. This allows me to adjust the bass output to suit my taste. The Kingex is fairly cheap but is quite transparent and articulate in the bass range so works very well in this application. You could try biamping first with your 2 different amps using the 2 pairs of outputs from the Rouge preamp and see how that works. If the bass isn't satisfactory, then you could do as I've done and ad another volume control device between your pre and the bass amp or perhaps you could do that from your source to avoid running the signal through 2 preamps.