Biamping question

Hi all,
I use Aq Anconda from cdpl. to the first amp (highs) and Aq Amazon from that amp to second amp (lows).

My q is do i have to use same type of ics ?

Or and what do you suggest ?


Normally you would want to match cables. If you are concerned about them being the same lenght why wouldn't you be concerned about them being the same cable? It maybe slight but each type of cable has it's own sonic signature by mixing you maybe affecting sound, dynamics, range etc. The bottom line IMHO is if it sounds good don't worry about it.
Yeah youre right Walkelin.
Just wanted others opinion or rules ! about having aq amazon (silver) aq anaconda (copper) in a biamp system.

shall i have the same type of speakercables ? I have 2-way speakers.
20 to 25 cm at nearly the speed of light would not make a perceivable difference. Silver is usually preferable for the highs but it's all a matter of taste and component matching. If the system seems bright, try the copper for the highs. The same goes for speaker cables.
But, if i have silver for lows, in this case 2 way speakers.
Isnt silver good then for voices and tighter bass ?

Perhaps i should get another AQ Amazon and sell Aq Anaconda and have silver all the way w i/c´s and copper sp cables ?
Only one caution I would add to the previous excellent remarks. IMHO, I would start out with two pair of alike and neutral sounding cables (like Isreal Blume's CST IC's) so that I could discern the sound of the amp/speaker biamp combo before I started playing with attenuating frequency and time/space stuff with different cables. Create one problem for yourself at a time, sort it out and move on to the next. If you don't it could be very confusing in your evaluation. LOL!