Bidding Frustration

This past weekend I placed a bid on an integrated amp and the seller countered. My understanding is the counter was to be open to acceptance or rejection for 48 hours. I gave it some thought and about half a day after the counter was prepared to accept it but it was gone as was the listing. I e mailed audio gin and the answer I received was yes a counter is good for 48 hours unless the seller pulls the listing. Logic indicates that while the counter was pending the seller received another offer he accepted and pulled the ad. My opinion is not cool. Thoughts?
I agree--it's snooze you lose. That being said, I think that should be more clearly spelled out. In real estate, a counter-offer (written) is binding should the buyer accept it.

I think Audiogon (or at least Audiogoners) should make it clear that, hey, here's my counter but if someone else comes along with a better or full price offer, then I'm gonna take it.
Agree that until a price is agreed upon, the item is available to be sold to a better offer.
wait a minute all...

Reading this thread, it doesn't sound as if the OP's situation is being addressed.

However, there are some problems with how things are stated since a seller cannot "counter" a "bid," which raises the question, was this a "bid" on an "auction" or an "offer" on a "classified" listing? Assuming the seller actually submitted a "counter offer" to Pgleekel's "bid," as stated in the post, then this had to be a classified listing and Bdgregory's comment;
all "best offer" systems work this way, where an open offer or counter does NOT lock up the seller. At least A'gon, and eBay work this way.
is not true here.

Classified listings here are subject to Audiogon's rules;
When a Seller submits a Counter Offer, you will receive an emailed notification. The Seller has committed to hold the item until the Buyer responds to the Counter Offer (or it expires in 48 hours).

The Buyer may then choose to either Accept or Decline the counter offer.

If the Buyer Accepts the Counter Offer, the Buyer and Seller have entered into a binding agreement based on the terms outlined in the Counter Offer.
If the Buyer Declines the Counter Offer, no agreement is reached and the negotiation has ended, with no obligation to either party.
The Buyer may then submit a new Offer if they wish. The Seller also may move onto other offers that may be available.
If this was a classified, and an offer was made by Pgleekel, and if the seller made a counter offer through the Audiogon system, then the item is in fact locked up until Pgleekel responds to the counter offer, or a maximum of 48 hours, as stated in the Audiogon Support Center rules under "Making Offers."
The Seller has committed to hold the item until the Buyer responds to the Counter Offer (or it expires in 48 hours).
If the seller somehow pulled the ad after making a counter offer (maybe he had it listed also on Aasylum or ebay and sold it there) then that is a violation of the Audiogon trading system and subject to negative feedback by the prospective buyer, or other sanctions if deemed appropriate by Audiogon.

They have buy sell rules here for a reason and if folks want to use this system they should respect and abide by those rules.

OTOH, if this was an auction, and if Pgleekel made a "bid" that was lower than the reserve set by the seller, then the seller could in fact pull the auction, if no other bids exceding the reserve were received as provided here;
If your auction has NOT met reserve, or there are no bids, then you may cancel or close it early.
Anyone buying or selling on this site should become familiar with the rules, which can be found here;Audiogon Support Center
Nice job clearing this up.
I want to point out that the OP stated that Audiogon responded "a counter is good for 48 hours unless the seller pulls the listing"
This does seem to contradict their rule "The Seller has committed to hold the item until the Buyer responds to the Counter Offer (or it expires in 48 hours)".
There is a difference in an initial offer and a "counter offer". The initial offer, (from the buyer) does NOT lock the sale out to other offers or Buy It Now.

If the seller does a "counter offer" it does indeed lock the sale down for 48 hours or until the buyer agrees to the counter offer or declines the counter offer or times runs out, (48 hours).