Big amplifiers and heat dissipation in a small room

I had a pre/power amp that generated about 800W of heat in a tiny room (9x11), making them uncomfortable during summer. One obvious solution is to crank up the AC, but I am looking for an alternative route. One option is a ceiling vent with a fan (which connects to the attic). Another is to put a vent (with or without a fan) in the side wall near my rack close to the ceiling (since hot air rises) and so that I can dump the hot air into the next room (closet). The wall behind the speakers has big windows-may be I could vent through the window. Anyone have experience modifying the room for heat dissipation? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Soundlab ESL speakers, 86 db. They seem to need more power than even large Martin Logans.
Correct my Monoliths were 90db, easier than your 86db, both have nasty impedance and capacitive loads. 
Look at an amp that you can leave on with low Class-A Bias, that you can switch up the Class-A bias when you want to listen, Gryphon Antillion does this. As a 

Cheers George
@millercarbon.  It was the amp. I borrowed a 250W class D amp Brookyn AMP, I had no problem but didn't sound very good. I got an Pass Labs X350.5. Now glorious!!! I am now selling my Conrad Johnson 140W mono block.
@millercarbon.  It was the amp. I borrowed a 250W class D amp Brookyn AMP, I had no problem but didn't sound very good. I got an Pass Labs X350.5. Now glorious!!! I am now selling my Conrad Johnson 140W mono block.
@millercarbon Said before, say again: it ain’t the amp.

Duh? Why do you think his turntable would heat up the room? Is it that Jamaican reggae that he is playing??