Biggest "Bang for the Buck" in an AES/EBU cable

I will need to purchase an AES/EBU digital cable to connect a Behringer 2496 from a GW Labs DSP. I have little experience with balanced digital cables as I have never had a balanced digital connection in any of my systems. Have performed a search in the Agon archives with little info found. Can anyone suggest an AES/EBU cable with a good Price Vs Performance ratio? I often shop the used market, therefore, used would be an option as well as new. TIA.
The Best Biggest "Bang for the Buck" I have ever heard is the Stealth Varidig. It is also the AES/EBU cable that made the Buck Stop Here, & just enjoy the music. You could spend a lot more, & get a LOT LESS!

Good Luck, as A/B'ing Digital Cables is the least fun of interconnect, speaker cable evaluations! Listening for which offers better micro-dynamics is where you could loose your mind, & your wallet!
I no longer use a DAC, but I have a Cardas AES/EBU cable that is about as good as it gets.
I have always been partial to the Apogee Wyde Eye. 100 ohm cable in the AES/EBU configuration. Cost is about 40.00 for 1 meter.