Bill Firebaugh: How to contact?

Since Stanalog won't answer the phone or e-mails for help with the Well Tempered TT does anyone know how to reach Bill, the inventor of the WTT to see if support is available.
To hifiharv: I just went to the Well Tempered page and the pricelist is still "under construction". Can't find any prices listed. Don
Yes Don, but I swear a few weeks ago it was showing a new site with new prices. Now it has vanished. Another odd thing was that only the record player and the reference were listed. No more Classic. Also no offer of the old repair services like restringing arms, etc. Orig. box for shipping a table had gone up to $100.00! I know I didn't dream all this but it is now gone.
Just received a response to my e-mail to George at Stanalog. He says the website will be up and running soon. That's good news.
Ok, this thread is stale, but I felt the need to clarify something I mentioned before... I discovered that when you reach the Well Tempered website and click "Upgrades and Service" you still get the old 2004 menu of parts and services but no current prices. However, If you click "Visit our Online Store" The new current price list will appear along with the Tables, arms, and parts, etc. that are offered. Interestingly, some prices have dropped from the shocking changes I mentioned before. Reference is now 9500. not 10,000. Box is 95.00, not 100.00, etc.