binding post break in

yesterday I replaced my binding posts on my rogue audio m150 monos with the highly regarded wbt nextgen copper binding posts and yes there was more detail,but it was also thin and not as harmonic and rich, and not as open sounding as before. I have been listening to the wonderfull sounding kenny burrell guitar forms latey and have really liked how it sounded on my system,but after I put in the wbts his guitar sounded strummy and hooded , the higher strings sounded thinner and the middle and lower strings sounded sucked out . well crap. is this another case of [ it needs 256 and a half hours of break in and then it will sound great!] or what? has anybody out there had any experience with these binding posts ? I am very good at soldering so i dont think that a bad joint is the reason I am hearing what I do, any ideas ? is there a richer sounding binding post with some body and still very good low level detail ? or will they really change that much with some break in ? thanks , chris
eldartford, I got the joke right away, because the joke was on me. If I seemed a little turse in my reply I was just pissed that the new binding posts did not sound better.the money and effort to install them so far has not been worth it. I will give these some more time and put the old ones back if they dont work out. we all need some more humor in our lives right now. after I settled down I did think that some of the comments were funny, and this thread did inspire another thread, see volume knob break in, [which is a joke]. This whole thing started becouse my rogue m150s have a tin o ring soldered to the output wire, which is then bolted to the binding post. A friend of mine
has the same amps cliped off the o ring and soldered the wire directly to the binding post and this one small change was VERY audible, it made the sound of his amps better in everway possible. so I thought that clipping off the Orings and putting in new binding posts would be even better , and so far it sounds worse in some ways, oh-well life go's on. chris
Chrissain...Back in the 50s, when I got involved with "Hi Fi" we had to build our own speaker systems using drivers that be bought. I always soldered the speaker wires directly to the drivers, so there were NO binding posts on the speaker systems.

It sounds like you took great care but, could one of the soldered connections to the binding posts be a cold solder joint? Your process description seems to leave a little room for the possibility.

Jim S.
Binding post break in?


You guys can all laugh...but my local S&M club takes this very seriously. If you ever got badly chaffed wrists then it is no laughing matter!!!