eldartford, I got the joke right away, because the joke was on me. If I seemed a little turse in my reply I was just pissed that the new binding posts did not sound better.the money and effort to install them so far has not been worth it. I will give these some more time and put the old ones back if they dont work out. we all need some more humor in our lives right now. after I settled down I did think that some of the comments were funny, and this thread did inspire another thread, see volume knob break in, [which is a joke]. This whole thing started becouse my rogue m150s have a tin o ring soldered to the output wire, which is then bolted to the binding post. A friend of mine
has the same amps cliped off the o ring and soldered the wire directly to the binding post and this one small change was VERY audible, it made the sound of his amps better in everway possible. so I thought that clipping off the Orings and putting in new binding posts would be even better , and so far it sounds worse in some ways, oh-well life go's on. chris
has the same amps cliped off the o ring and soldered the wire directly to the binding post and this one small change was VERY audible, it made the sound of his amps better in everway possible. so I thought that clipping off the Orings and putting in new binding posts would be even better , and so far it sounds worse in some ways, oh-well life go's on. chris