Biwire jumpers as speaker cables?

Assuming that I have monoblocks for power amps and they can be placed fairly close to speakers, can biwire jumpers be used as speaker cables?

Thx for your opinions.

I have a couple of monoblocks coming in by the end of the week. If I place them back side facing speakers' backs, 6 in jumper would make it, according to measurements. I am not sure if I would have difficulty with ic and pc, though.

At this point. I don't think vibration would be an issue. Of course. I would know when music plays...
i suppose you could always place them vertically with the top of the amp facing the listening position. Assuming the speaker terminals are towards the floor, then the amp would be about 8 inches off the ground...allowing the PC and IC to come straight down and to the pre...and still managing to keep the unsightly wires from sticking out and facing the listener. Unconventional but could work. Will need an amp stand.
Hi Suensiu

I get it now and can picture how you will be placing the monoblocks along with your speakers. I just can't imagine things sometimes. Whenever I read monoblocks the first thought in my head is Threshold SA/1. I'm so used to seeing big monoblocks on the floor on ampstands close to a speaker that I couldn't imagine how you were going to pull it off. What monoblocks will you be getting. You will probably need a tall solid amp stand or table of some sort behind your speakers to hook the monoblocks up to them. This will definitely be interesting. Please post pics of this when you are done.
Finally, the Cary 500mb have arrived (Fedex was not as helpful as it used to be...) And yes, I can get them really close to my speakers! The binding posts on the Cary are fairly far apart though, so 6 in may be too tight. I think 8 in jumpers would work better. Now I have to get some jumpers to check it out (plus dealing with various setup issues...) Once I get the jumpers, I'll try to post some pix.
Zu Audio has some 16" Jumpers on ebay, from their top-of-the-line directional IBIS cables, that they will terminate however you wish. That would give you plenty of room to move them away from vibrations.

ebay item: 110734045131
