Biwire Speaker cable 4 JMLab 926 - Bryston 3BSST

Please Please recommend Bi-Wire speaker cable to connect
JM Lab Electra 926 and Bryston 3B SST

Not too expensive, yet good bang for the buck cable that matches the JM Lab & Bryston system.
I own Electra 926 and I've just replaced Analysis Plus 9 with Acoustic Zen Satori.
AP wasn't particulary good match but AZ .... different class. Excellent cables for this speaker.

Jan brings up a good point I should have stressed: these speakers are very sensitive to what you hook up to them. I could tell a difference with every cable I tried. My roommate, who isn't into audio (a.k.a. my sanity check), also heard the differences which knocked his socks off.

The upshot is that you may have to experiment with various cable types to find the right ones for you. Good luck! Arthur