Dragon1952: This has nothing to do with "audio" or "snobbery". Cutting and pasting isn't a big deal, but if you want someone to look at something, the most logical thing to do is to make it easy for them to do so. Otherwise, it is kind of like saying "i've got evidence but you've got to go get it yourself if you're interested. This is where it's at, so go look at it and tell me what you think about it". Obviously, this isn't quite as simple as making it available on the spot, nor are you as likely to get as many to participate.
Other than that, i use my drop-down menu somewhat like a "favourites". By cutting and pasting, it gets full of crap that i'll probably never want to visit again. Given that i like to do things that way and a few others that i know do too, and providing a link is both easy to do and more convenient for the others viewing such a thread, why not take the extra 10 - 30 seconds and provide a link?
Other than that, you took the time to criticize my comments but you couldn't take the time to offer some input on the subject being discussed. What was your motive for posting such a comment to begin with and what did it accomplish? Sean
PS... What's lazier or more snobby: telling someone to fetch it for themselves and refusing to learn how to provide a link or someone that takes the time to provide a link for the convenience of others and at the same time, tries to show them how they can further their computer literacy skills? After resolving that puzzle, i think that you'll find that your original observation / comment is full of holes.
Other than that, i use my drop-down menu somewhat like a "favourites". By cutting and pasting, it gets full of crap that i'll probably never want to visit again. Given that i like to do things that way and a few others that i know do too, and providing a link is both easy to do and more convenient for the others viewing such a thread, why not take the extra 10 - 30 seconds and provide a link?
Other than that, you took the time to criticize my comments but you couldn't take the time to offer some input on the subject being discussed. What was your motive for posting such a comment to begin with and what did it accomplish? Sean
PS... What's lazier or more snobby: telling someone to fetch it for themselves and refusing to learn how to provide a link or someone that takes the time to provide a link for the convenience of others and at the same time, tries to show them how they can further their computer literacy skills? After resolving that puzzle, i think that you'll find that your original observation / comment is full of holes.