“BLOCK” Function?

  I’ve tried a search here for such a function,and I’ve come up empty. Is there a way to block certain members? Not just from personal messages,but so they don’t show up in any topic I’m reading. Sometimes it’s nice to ask a question and learn something without someone trying to rub your nose in your lack of knowledge like a dog that did his business in the house.  I am all for learning from others. That’s one of the reasons I frequent this site. However,there are some folks here that do have vast knowledge, but are as abrasive as 40 grit sandpaper. For those folks I’m ready to throw the baby out with the bath water.  

@geof3...and some forums have had pretty loose rails to start with...

Not that I will claim to not being one to causing or assisting in derailing activities; some forums could use a rock on a rail...

BUT....I've never deleted Anyone's post(s).
It's a Public Forum.  It has rules 'n regs.  It has moderators.('Adult Supervision', whether you agree about the Adult part or the Supervision part....)

As such, one can type anything that comes to mind (assuming that's where it stems from) that fits or causes such.

As long as it passes the R 'n R's, and the mods let it stand.

I'll read it....or not.
I'm pretty open-minded...even to those not.

...personally, clothes on a chicken sounds hilarious to me, but...*shrug*....first you have to catch the critter....;)
question - is there another broad hifi forum folks feel they enjoy and learn from more, with less of the crap and ’broken record’ folks that post incessantly, saying the same stuff most of the time?

honest question -- imo i actually don’t know of another one i like better (or should i say, dislike less lol) ... most 'shared interest' forums have their share of ’characters’ that have become cartoon people for the most part
@au_lait....Fortunately, perhaps....parties are somewhat frowned upon of late...

Also, fortunately, some things aren't 'catchy'....'bad 'tude' is one....
There are a few people on every forum who have SO little going on their personal lives that they sit around hitting refresh all day on the forum looking for opportunities to interject. They’re usually not aware that what they’re doing is lame. 

That being said, the forum software this place is running on is straight out of the early 90’s, and should have been updated forever ago. Not being able to mute/block people, not being able to easily post images or quote people, it’s really embarrassing for whoever runs this joint. It’s like the founder paid their kid brother to set the place up in 97’ and they just never looked at it again.
@jjss49 ....Mmmm, yes 'n no....some are a bid more 'staid', in some ways.  AG has a 'lively streak' that comes 'n goes...

Like anything of that nature, one is subject the 'good times/bad times' qualities.....but one is also free to walk away from the fracas....;)