Blocking people?

Is it possible to block rift raft on this site?
You’re the only one swearing at people.
You’re the only one name calling.
You’re the only one losing his temper when you got some good natured ribbing.
Perhaps by asking that question in your op, you opened yourself up for all of this. Ever think of that?
I don’t consider anyone on here riffraff.
Apparently you are of the opinion this forum contains those who are beneath you.
Hence your question.
See where this is going?

Oh, hey asvjerry.
Hope you are well and staying safe.
And don't answer the door, word is there's riff raff about!
"Why don't you just pm me a location where we can meet up and study grammar and punctuation?"
Is that your best pick-up line?
Oh and you spelled douche bag wrong again.
Also, still sticking with ’rift raft’ I see.
Also also, a period at the end of a sentence makes for a more coherent message.