Blocking people?

Is it possible to block rift raft on this site?
These words are from the verbs rifler, to spoil or strip, and raffler, to carry off. The phrase referred to the plundering of the bodies of the dead on the battlefield and the carrying off of the booty. ... The phrase was abbreviated to riff-raff and can be found in Gregory's Chronicle of London of about 1470.

Dead bodies are Not my thing....Noooo.
" really don't have the body for it...."
It is not about the body. It is about the way you wear it.

I have started using Tyr much more than Speedo lately.
So true, GP....G*

Anyway....Here...this is a lot more fun to look @ than this....or us, for that matter....;)

If you don't like the music, mute, and play your own.....:)

Cheers, J
In the beginning I said it would be fun. But I didn’t say for whom. 😬 Besides, all you have to do is look at the record. Once audio forums get placid and agreeable they dry up and disappear like dandelions in the wind. Look at Stereophile or even Audio Asylum.